- The film trailer starts with a green screen thats shows the clip has passed age related tests and can be shown to the specific audience. A website is given for more information on this.
- Production company logos. This may promote the movie and show status of movie = columbia is part of a major studio (Sony) therefore it has to be good
- Dialogue begins during shots of production company logos to create suspense
- First scene is dark and moves slowly towards the characters
- Scenes change with a flash
- Fast beat soundtrack starts for round about 5 seconds and stops again for dialogue = this creates a dramatic effect to show importance of dialogue
- Narrative starts = begins to explain the plot
- Camera shots shows four quick shots of each main character
- Psycho thriller music in distant background
- A slow motion scene to build up anticipation
- Upbeat pop rock soundtrack starts, this contrasts against dark violent scenes = tricks audience into thinking it is fun
- Various taglines pop out, gives jumpy effect = reflects movie genre
- Close shots of facial expressions = gives audience insight to their emotions
- Narrative reads out title name
- Blurb similiar to movie poster blurb
- The film trailer starts with a green screen thats shows the clip has passed age related tests and can be shown to all audiences. A website is given for more information on this.
- Goes straight to a film scene
- Shows written narrative on screen
- Fast paced moving shot flashing from one to another
- Loud banging sound effects = creates dramatic impact
- Screen colour changes from grey to blue to green = to show amateur filming
- Flashing scenes to create mystery and shock
- Music builds up to a big crash sound = builds up intensity
- Title names appears
- Release month rather than date with movie website = audience may use website to find the date
- Tagline with a promotional contest = audience will take part to fid out more
- The film trailer starts with a green screen that shows the clip has passed age related tests and can be shown to the specific audience. A website is given for more information on this.
- Goes straight to a film scene = ringing phone to alert audience
- Production company logo appears as dialogue is being spoken
- Creepy music slowly builds up to a smashing sound = this may cause audience to jump therefore become interested
- Narrative starts
- Close up shots of main characters face to see their reaction
- Quick flashing shots
- Thunder sounds play in background = creates suspense
- Tagline appears on screen
- Directors names
- Title name
- Blurb with production company logos
- The film trailer starts with a green screen that shows the clip has passed age relates tests and can be shown to all audiences.
- Music starts straight away
- Character narrative starts
- Close up shots are shown to make dramatic impact
- Shots flash quickly
- Dramatic music continues whilst dialogue is being spoken
- Fast paced shot of production company logo
- Taglines
- Slow mysterious shots start to get faster and flash from one to another
- Flashing lights
- Scenes fadeaway
- Left on a cliffhanger
- Title name
- Blurb with production company logos and credits
- Website = to promote movie
On average most movie trailers are between 2-3 minutes and include a wide range of shot using various techniques. The green screen is mostly always used as well as a production company logo to represent who made the film. Trailers may have very little dialogue or a narrative telling a story. Captions and tag lines are also sometimes spoken as well as shown on screen. Not ever trailer features the actors names but this can be a feature if you choose. Unique selling points such as 'from the makers' of are used to promote the current movie and the other movie. This may promote the director and/or producers. Background and soundtracks are quite important to trailers as they build an atmosphere and relate to the movie.