Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Audience research - Survey results

What is your gender?
Although my target audience is not gender specific and can be enjoyed by both genders, my movie does revolve around an all girl cast therefore it is more likely to be watched by females.

How old are you?
My target audience age group is 16-24 since that is the age group I can mostly relate to and horror movies are also aimed at that age group.

What genre do you think this movie is?
My genre is clear to my audience from the proposal, so the movie trailer should also be clear and precise for my audience to understand.

Does the set-up of the movie build a good story?
Everybody agreed that my set-up built and good story and this is a good thing for me since the set-up is a big part of my trailer.

How interesting is the plot?
Nobody finds my movie plot not very interesting so that is a good sign to go. My target audience is happy meaning they are likely to watch.

Do you think the turning point is intense enough?
Most of my audience felt that the turning point was intense enough to generate an effect upon them. The turning point is very important as is an opportunity of shock and revelation. For those who selected 'no' could still be surprised when it is put together.

How do you feel about the ending?
Everybody was more then pleased with my ending which means I can continue as planned. Although people agreed upon the ending, I asked for further suggestions.

What ending would you like to see?
Most people were okay with my ending and a few had good suggestions but since my trailer will not feature the ending as that will be a spoiler, it will remain a mystery to me and my audience.

Movie title
I did an additional survey for find out what movie title my audience would suit with my proposal. As the most popular choice is 'Buried Sin', this is my movie's title. 

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